July 9, 2021

Government Appoints Independent Team To Investigate Abuse At Children’s Homes

By Newsroom

An independent team led by retired Appeal Court Judge, Justice Judith Jones, has been appointed to look into Child abuse reports at care facilities across the country, including Children’s Homes and Rehabilitation Centres.

The team will also investigate the incidence of children absconding from such facilities.

In a statement from the Child and Gender Affairs Unite of the OPM, it said: “The Government notes its responsibility associated with the care, protection and supervision of children as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and embodied in the Package of Children’s Legislation of 2015. The Minister has noted that, while there exists policy and procedures for recording, monitoring and treating with incidents of child abuse, it continues, with recent allegations in the media of abuse to children housed at several Children’s Homes and a Child Support Centre. Concerted efforts must be made to eliminate its occurrence at these child care facilities.”

Minister with the responsibility for Child Affairs, Ayanna Webster-Roy, says the report should be completed within four months.

She indicated that, “As Minister, it is my duty to seek the best interest of children and to do all that is possible to ensure that all boys and girls are happy, healthy and confident that their rights are respected, protected and promoted to facilitate their holistic development towards achieving their fullest potential as active contributors to society.”


