March 9, 2020

SDA Church and Maha Sabha Adjust to COVID 19

By Newsroom

The number of persons tested  for the COVID 19 in Trinidad and Tobago has risen by one.

The Ministry of Health reported on Monday morning that  35 persons were tested and all were negative.

Now both the Maha Sabha and the Seventh Day Adventist Church are making adjustments in order to curtail the spread of the virus when it appears.

The South Caribbean Conference of SDA Churches has banned shaking hands and kissing during prayer services and has advised that pot luck and communal dinners should be avoided until further notice.

This follows similar moves by both the Anglican and the Roman Catholic Churches.

As for the Maha Sabha, while the Phagwa celebrations have not been impacted by the COVID 19  scare, General Secretary Vijay Maharaj said all groups, including the 43 primary schools that take part will avoid using water and liquid so abeer will be replaced by coloured powders.

Phagwa will be celebrated on March 15th.
