June 23, 2023

Two Stolen Cars Recovered in Police Exercise

By Newsroom

Five people were arrested, two vehicles were recovered and quantities of ammunition and marijuana were seized by officers during a series of intelligence-led exercises this week.

According to the TTPS:

In the Port of Spain Division, Task Force and Canine Branch officers conducted an exercise between 3:30 am and 9 am, on Wednesday 21st June, 2023, during which they proceeded to the Belmont district.

There, they executed a search warrant at the home of a male suspect, where they found a black plastic bag containing a quantity of assorted ammunition. Five male suspects who were in the house at the time of the search were arrested in connection with the find.

Meanwhile, officers of the POS Gang and Intelligence Unit also conducted an exercise with the assistance of the Canine Unit around 5:30 am on the same date. During the exercise, the officers proceeded to Farm Road, St. Joseph, where they conducted a search of a wooden structure.

The search resulted in officers finding five packets of marijuana. And, the Stolen Vehicles Squad conducted exercises in the Northern and North-Eastern Divisions between 1:30 pm and 4:40 pm, on Thursday 22nd June, 2023, during which the following two vehicles were recovered:

– One Silver Nissan Wingroad, which was reported stolen from the Roxborough district in August 2016. It was found in Kelly Village, Caroni and,

– One gold Nissan Almera, which was reported stolen from the El Dorado district last week. It was found in the Santa Cruz district.

Investigations are ongoing into all of the above matters.

