April 12, 2024

A Messy Political Fallout: Opposition MP Publicly Bashes Kamla’s Leadership

By Newsroom

The in-fighting in the United National Congress took yet another turn today as a second sitting Opposition MP came to a public platform, bashing the leadership of Kamla Persad Bissessar.

Chaguanas West MP Dinesh Rambally, at a news conference earlier today, said he would prefer not to be so open with his upset with the party’s leadership, but revealed that he cannot, in good conscience, support the deterioration of the party under Persad-Bissessar’s tenure.

“The UNC in its present form, cannot win any election, and certainly not the next general election. The party has to be ‘revamped, reorganised and revitalised.’ Today I place my political life on the altar in the hope that I can cause meaningful change within the UNC,” Rambally said while speaking at the Divali Nagar site on Friday.

Putting to rest any criticism that his comments could be seen as support for the PNM, Rambally maintained that he is opposed to the current leadership but said he does not believer the UNC in its present iteration, has much to offer as an alternative government.

“We must be clear in our minds that a legitimate critique of the leadership tenure of Mrs Persad Bissessar is not an attack on the UNC Party. The UNC existed before Mrs Persad Bissessar and it will continue to exist after,” he said.

Mr. Rambally’s public utterances follow MP Rushton Paray’s public call last month for Persad-Bissessar to call internal elections in June. 
