February 5, 2021

AG: “Time To Unmask These Monsters”

By Newsroom

Attorney General Faris Al Rawi says legislation to regularize the public transport system  is still in the process of being compiled, after Prime Minister mandated such following last year’s murder of Ashanti Riley.

He said once the laws are brought to the Parliament, it will require the support of both sides of the House in order to be passed.

The AG addressed the matter as he commented on the kidnapping and murder of Andrea Bharatt, whose body was found off a precipice along the Heights of Aripo yesterday, six days after boarding a vehicle posed as a taxi to head to her home in Arima.

“Monsters are capable of walking among us in society when people don’t try to fix the system. We’ve presented a lot of work to deal with the criminal justice system but it’s incumbent for all to work and pass it. It’s time for the monsters to be unmasked and for all elements of society to understand we must work together,” he said.

He said consultations with stakeholders including the general public have to be done before the proposed law is passed.

“As as a human being, father, brother and uncle, I cannot imagine the grief that has befallen this family and the torture they must be in . I refuse to be one of those politicians who profit on bad news by turning up to be counted among people who are now expressing care and concerns,” he said. 
