September 18, 2023

CEPEP Reminds Contractors to Take the Necessary Precautions During Hot Spell

By Shirvan Williams

CEPEP is advising contractors and their workers as they execute their duties outdoors, to be reminded about the hazards of working in hot weather and how to prevent heat-related illnesses and injuries.

According to a release from the company, “People who work outdoors are at an increased risk of becoming extremely sick from heat exposure,” said Keith Eddy, Chief Executive Officer of the CEPEP Company.

“We want to make sure that all contractors and their workers are aware of potential heat-related injuries and are prepared to take the necessary steps to ensure workers remain healthy and safe on the job. Safety is paramount at the CEPEP Company and as such, we want to safeguard the health and well-being of workers on the field,” he added.

To this end, the Company is constantly communicating with contractors through our Operations and Health, Safety and Environment personnel. We have also distributed material to all contractors on heated-related illness, signs and symptoms as well as emergency procedures.

Heat illness occurs when the body temperatures rise to dangerous levels and can range from heat rash and heat cramps, to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Common symptoms include headaches, dizziness, fainting, weakness or wet skin, irritability or confusion.

All workers are advised to:

Drink water often to remain hydrated
Take breaks often to stay cool

Apart from the personal protective equipment required to perform one’s duties, avoid excess layering of full face masks and other additional clothing such as sweaters. Persons are encouraged to wear light-coloured and loose-fitting clothing.

Contractors also have a duty of care towards their workers and are therefore encouraged to:
Implement heat-stress awareness training and an emergency plan. Help workers become acclimated, especially workers who are new to working outdoors in the heat or have been away from work for a week or more. Monitor workers for signs and symptoms of heat stress and take appropriate action if they are identified.

Contractors and workers are also being encouraged to contact the Company’s Operations Unit at 225-4400 EXT 2002 for any clarification. They can also email and pay attention to our social media pages for updates and other pertinent information.

