October 14, 2021

MovieTowne Confirms There Was No Breach Of Safe Zone Policy At Its Cinemas

By Newsroom

Roger Singh, the man who posted a video claiming to have used links to go the Movietowne safe zone despite being unvaccinated, has apologized for creating panic and admitted the clip was actually from July 2020.

“This video was originally taken on July 20, 2020. The video was meant to highlight times when all persons use to go to the movies. I wish to state clearly I did not go into MovieTowne. I did not breach any safe zone regulations. I also wish to apologise to those that I may have offended, those that have misconstrued any post and the MovieTowne brand,” Singh tweeted.

Meanwhile, Movietowne boss Derek Chin says he was pleased the man had clarified the incident was a prank, which he said was being investigated.
