January 30, 2022

NCC To Unveil Official Events For 2022 “Taste of Carnival”

By Newsroom

Chairman of the National Carnival Commission Winston Gypsy Peters will tomorrow unveil the complete list of events slated for “A Taste of Carnival” this year.

Last week, the NCC said a long list of safe-zone events for Carnival 2022 which began circulating online on Thursday bearing its official logo, was not its authorized line-up of events.

The NCC said at the time, that its official document was still pending approvals. 

Among the events listed in Thursday’s unofficial document were calypso tents, pan events, a re-enactment of the Canboulay Riots and Brass Bacchanal.

While it remains to be seen what the new line up will look like, patrons of any Carnival type event must be fully vaccinated as all events must operate as Safe Zones, according to Tourism and Culture Minister Randall Mitchell. 
