May 1, 2020

ODPM Prepares For 2020 Hurricane Season With COVID-19 Plan

By Newsroom

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) says it has begun planning for this year’s hurricane season, which begins on June 1st, with specific consideration being given to the implications brought on by COVID-19.

Discussions around a strategic plan during a meeting on Wednesday focused on areas such as shelter management observing physical distancing requirements, disaster relief and recovery operations, evacuation operations and protocols medical support and isolation requirements and humanitarian assistance and relief distribution

The ODPM is also urging citizens that while the stay at home order remains in tact, it might be useful to use the time to prepare their homes for the season.  In a statement on Friday, the agency said “This year’s upcoming Hurricane Season has been predicted to be an above-normal one and mixed in with the presence of COVID-19, the ODPM recognises that there is a dire need for Trinidad and Tobago to be in an even stronger state of readiness than previously.”
