January 7, 2021

UNC Demands Apology From Morning Show Host Over “Provocative” Election Allegations

By Newsroom

The United National Congress has issued a statement condemning what it refers to as “baseless, inappropriate and offensive” remarks made by talk show host and journalist Natalee Legore,  in which she compared Donald Trump’s election rhetoric to the UNC’s stance following the August 10th general election.

The remarks were made during a segment on Thursday’s CNC3’s Morning Brew Programme, which Legore co-hosts with commentator Akash Samaroo.

“How you speak and what you have to say and casting doubt into electoral processes or institutions that are sound- that’s what happened in America,” Legore said as suggested that US President Donald Trump’s election fraud claims triggered his supporters to storm the US Capitol building.

She continued:”The United National Congress tried to cast the same kind of doubt on the electoral process, without evidence.”

In a strongly worded response, newly elected PRO for the UNC Kirk Meighoo said Legore was out of place in her comments.

“The UNC has always stood for democracy. Our statements post-election 2020 were ones which are guaranteed by our constitution to legally question electoral irregularities, as is provided for in any liberal democracy,” he said.

The party rejected the narrative that it had been touting political mischief- saying instead that it was “exercising its Constitutional responsibility to call attention to these serious issues.”

The video clip of the interview was largely shared online on Thursday, with many standing in solidarity with Legore and accusing Samaroo of holding a political bias for the UNC.

“Oh gosh,  you know this morning I was wondering who going and blame Kamla for this,” Samaroo said in response to Legore’s statement.

The UNC ended: “We call on Ms. Legore to apologise forthwith to the United National Congress for her provocative and false accusations.”
