December 17, 2020

Watson Duke Returns As PSA President

By Newsroom

Watson Duke returns as President of the Public Service Association, following the union’s election which was held on Monday.

Duke declared victory in a live video shared on the PSA’s official Facebook page last night, saying his Game Changers earned 1,758 votes, which was 1,200 more than his closest contester.The PSA’s membership comprises of some 15,000 members.

“In my entire career, this is the lowest I’ve polled. Yet- even at my lowest I had way past their highest. It says something- it says the Game Changers have been accepted by the people and you have expressed confidence in us,” Duke said.

Duke, who has long been accused of abusing his title as PSA head and breaching labor laws as it relates to PSA staff, promised to act in the best interest of public servants, taking the government to task for same.

“We have decided not to waste any time with the evil-doers. Because when I read by bible, it said fret not because of evil-doers. I will not worry them tonight but I will say to you the people, we have already dispatched a letter to the Honorable Minister of Finance, with regard to NIB negotiations that was settled and the revised salaries that should have been paid on November 30 and the arrears coming out of those salaries that should be paid on December 31,” the returning President said.  


